7 pitches about k-beauty trends from fast growing companies is here!
The Trend Week is open!
2024. 10. 11.
7 pitches about k-beauty trends from fast growing companies is here!
The Trend Week is open!
Explore the 7 pitch decks in Trend Week starting TODAY.
Trend Week has officially begun 🚀
Sign up to watch all the fast-growing trend pitches!
Dear Participants,
The first session of Trend Week has officially begun! A total of 7 pitches from fast-growing companies are sharing insights about emerging trends in K-beauty!
How to Watch the Session?
👉 Sign up for the Trendier Library and visit our official K-Beauty Trend Summit page (If you're a VIP holder, please use the same email you registered with on the VIP form, as access will be automatically granted to your account).
👉 If you’re signed up, you can go directly to our officialK-Beauty Trend Summit page to start watching the Trend Pitches!